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Reputation Marketing

What Is Reputation Marketing?

The Reputation Marketing division arose from the merger of the Reputation Management and Brand Marketing divisions.

Also, it means that a brand’s reputation is scrutinized online in real-time by consumers leaving online reviews and citing experiences on social networking sites.

With the popularity of social media in the wake of the new millennium, word of mouth verification has shifted to the digital platform.

Also, in forcing companies to take active steps to remain competitive and profitable.

Reputation Marketing vs Reputation Management

In recent years we have observed a shift in focus from reputation management to reputation marketing.

In addition, reputation marketing has a greater impact for companies.

Reputation management influences the customer perception by avoiding and answering to negative reviews.

Dealing with negative reviews is still important.

In order to effectively manage your reputation, it helps to react quickly and tactfully to dissatisfied customers.

If you ever find yourself in this situation, check out these practical examples of negative review responses.

However, reputation marketing is more proactive.

It’s about getting more positive mentions online and monetizing those mentions on your website, social media, review platforms, and more.

The two primary aspects that define reputation marketing are:

Improve your reputation: First and foremost, using reputation marketing means improving your reputation.

Also, Get more positive reviews and ask customers to recommend you.

However, Reputation marketing software helps collect customer reviews automatically.

Market your reputation: This is the most important thing.

Therefore, with plenty of positive customer reviews, testimonials, and social media mentions, you can use these assets in your own marketing.

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Business Intelligence

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Artificial intelligence

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Secondary Chip




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Key Management


Protocol Support

Reputation Marketing  Management


HDMI Communications

Integrated Wifi



Reputation Marketing  parts







Password Attacks

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