In its time, the Tesla Model S was the first really cool mass-produced electric car, but now it is no longer unique in this role – traditional manufacturers and many startups have stepped up with their models. But despite the fact that the electric car industry is growing rapidly, Tesla manages to maintain its status as the most surprising and innovative manufacturer – engineers from Elon Musk’s company invent more and more new features that distinguish Tesla cars from any other. Here are a few of the most striking examples.

7 Cool Features that Make Tesla Cars Unique

1. New features through firmware updates

Tesla owners can make their car faster or smarter just by downloading a new version of the official software – no need to do chip tuning, insert electronic units from older modifications or wait for a restyling. For example, this spring, owners of the Model 3 received an update that, among other things, makes the car faster and also allows you to perform self-tuning in autopilot mode.

2. Dog mode

You only need to activate special Dog Mode to leave your pet in the car comfortably. In it, the air conditioner works in the locked cabin, and a large text is displayed on the central screen: “My master will be back soon. The air conditioner is on.” After all, in the U.S. it is not uncommon for the police to break into a car where pets have been left in the heat after a complaint from passersby.

3. Protection against overheating of the interior

Tesla also took care of people, providing a special mode of protection against overheating of the passenger space. When reaching a certain temperature in the cabin while parked, Tesla automatically turns on air conditioning cooling – this feature takes away about 1 km of range per hour of operation. By the way, air control in the Tesla Model 3 is also not simple: the direction is set by the intersection of two perpendicular streams, blowing from the static hidden deflectors across the width of the front panel. This feature is especially relevant in hot countries like the UAE. This and other functions of Tesla can be tried just by renting a car. Car rental services are becoming more popular every year and people prefer to rent a car rather than buy one. So you do not limit yourself to one car, and you can try dozens of unique new cars such as Tesla in a year. The more so that Tesla car prices in UAE are affordable to everyone.

7 Cool Features that Make Tesla Cars Unique

4. The “sentinel mode!”

This is an improved version of the alarm system. In standby mode, the security system on duty records in the memory of everything that happens around the car, so that in the event of an incident to save the entire series of events in a special memory area – similarly, video recorders work. If there is a slight unwanted impact on the body (for example, someone leaned over or sat down), then the machine warns about the fact of recording what is happening with a bright inscription on the display. And in the case of a more severe attack (for example, a broken window), the siren starts playing music at maximum audio volume, and the owner receives a notification on his smartphone and a video recording of the incident.

5. Entertainment and “Easter eggs”

In the famous Tesla multimedia except handy phone apps has an infinite number of unnecessary, and even useless for the car, but nice and fun things. For example, a drawing application grows with more and more serious functionality of a graphic editor. There’s also a bunch of built-in arcade games (both modern and retro), and in some of them (“racing” Beach Buggy Racing 2) you can even control the car with the steering wheel.


Tesla tries to reinvent its approach even to things that have long been invented and fine-tuned. Here, for example, are the driving modes. The electric propulsion system of Tesla sedans and crossovers makes it possible to shoot out from the start, outstripping even some supercars, not to mention ordinary sports cars, in this discipline.  At the same time, Elon Musk’s company is not flirting – these cars still remain some of the most competitive and advanced with advanced autopilot, good range, and unique features.